

Had a really nice and LOOOONG chat with Sayoko, and due to some hyped up reason, we decided to revive our partner blog!!! I'm really glad about this idea, as I think it can really helped me to be happier and easier to past my time during terrible uni hours. Am not gonna let that blog dies away again.

The new blog is gonna be really FUN, so pls visit and comment if you want to.
Here; http://tsunagaru-kokoro.blogspot.com

*For those who reads my blog and loves to critisize and gossip about my ideas of posting something, I won't mind if you guys continue reading them, but pls bear in mind that you guys are not the one who are influencial enough for me to change stuffs in my blog. But I would love to see faces of you guys reading this line though, as you guys know very clearly whom and what i meant - caught ya!

For most of my blog readers, don't worry, I only mean a specific group of people in my uni who verbal spamming my blog. For all other readers besides them, I thank all of you for supporting and reading this blog, and really appreciated your thoughts of trying to know me more to keep us connected. Thank you for bearing with some complains I had, and shared my hapiness with me.

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