

Went for my first electric guitar class yesterday night. Class was right after my piano theory lesson. My guitar teacher, actually thought that i'm learning the accoustic guitar with him. So we ended up need to change the classroom again, to the one with amplifier.

He gave me that "i'm weird look" twice during the class. One was when he knew that i'm learning electric guitar, and another was when i told him i like Japanese Rock. The answer he gave me was that it's normally GUYS who learn electric guitar and like jrock. HUUUH.....well,i don't know what to say.

But still, i was and am looking very forward to the class, so i will endure any weird stare...Although he is ok, i will still want to find another more "rock-fit" teacher..By now should be fine...

Again i want to shout: I'M IN LOVE WITH MY GUITAR!!~~

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