
First time posting from phone

So yeah, I know being awake at this hour is nothing unusual for me; but recently I have more classes than ever until the end of my exams, and they are all packed with full day classes (more than 10 hours usually). This made me feel incredibly hard to cope with my biological clock and really started to realise I'm having a serious non travel 'jetlag'/sleeping issues, omg.

Usual once a week class is ok because I only need to deal with lack of sleep for a day instead of few consecutive days like now..So yeah here I am blogging with my Iphone Blogger app while trying to drain all my battery (hp batt + body energy) down so that I can go charge them real soon and start the dreadful day again.

**I don't know how the layout will turn out since it's my first time using the app; if there's anything weird I'll re-align them when I'm back to com.

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